Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars by Cynthia Rylant
Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars is a chapter book that will excite any struggling reader because when the finish reading it they are gratified that they have indeed completed reading a chapter book. Mr. Putter lives with his cat, Tabby and their favorite hobby is sleeping. They can sleep anywhere and everywhere and for a long while. One evening Mr. Putter and Tabby were invited over to Mrs. Teaberry’s house for dinner. Mrs. Teaberry lived next door to Mr. Putter with her dog Zeke. Later that night, Mr. Putter was unable to sleep because his stomach was upset after he ate several jelly rolls so he took Tabby and they went for a walk. On their walk Mr. Putter told Tabby all about the stars and big dipper and how he always wanted to ride in a rocket. On their way home from their walk they noticed Mrs. Teaberry outside in the yard with Zeke. They all sat down and visited until both Zeke and Mr. Putter’s stomachs felt better an went inside for a good night’s sleep. The next day, Zeke arrives with a note inviting Mr. Putter over again.

The Perfect Nest by Catherine Friend
What is the perfect nest, for whom is it being built and why is it being build? That is the question being asked the reader is asking when they begin reading the first few pages of the book. Jack the cat is busy trying to build the “perfect” nest. He takes hay from the cow, a pillow from the porch swing, the hat from the dog and some scrap of wood. Jack wanted his nest to be dry, cozy and the right size. But the nest is not for him. He wants to lore in the perfect chicken so she could lay the perfect egg so he can fulfill his desire for the perfect omelet. Jack does not get one egg he ends up with three. Chicken, Duck and Goose all decide to lay their eggs in the nest and fight over whose nest it actually is. All three decide to sit in the nest on the eggs which now creates a new problem for Jack. He wants his eggs! He tries to scare all three out of the nest but they will not go. Finally he tells then that the neighboring farm has a bigger, better nest and they all head for the farm leaving their eggs behind. Jack is thrilled! Three meals with 3 different eggs but all the sudden the eggs start to hatch one a time and all three babies now consider Jack to be their mother. He tries to hide but they track him down. Finally he realized that need to be cared fore and he is the one that has to do it so all four fall asleep in the “perfect nest” and Jack realized that this is even better than having the “perfect omelet.”

Bean Thirteen by Matthew McElligott
Bean Thirteen is a precious book about superstition but can also be used to teach the concept of division. Ralph and Flora are beetles who are out picking beans for dinner when Flora decides to pick one more bean even though Ralph is protesting because that would mean they would have a total of 13 beans. Ralph is afraid that if the pick 13 beans because 13 is an unlucky number. Flora told him he was silly. At home they divide the piles in two and when the extra bean is left over, Flora tries to get Ralph to eat it and of course he refuses. They decide to invite a friend over and when they re divide the piles still there is the left over. Ralph is in total panic no matter how many friends they invite over the piles will not divide out equally. When the guests arrive each person takes the beans they wish to eat, each one took a different number, leaving the bowl empty. When everyone left, Ralph wondered who ate the 13th bean, Flora said if could have been anyone, even possibly Ralph which again makes him start to panic.

Imagine Harry by Kate and M. Sarah Klise
Friendship and what it truly means is the underlying theme of Imagine Harry. It is a story of the trust and caring that can be shared between two people. Little Rabbit and his best friend Harry do everything together from playing in the snow to rolling down the hills in the spring. Harry happens to be an imaginary friend that never leaves Little Rabbit’s side. When ever Little Rabbit does not want to do something such as taking a bath or eating brussels sprouts he blames it on Harry. Finally the time comes for Little Rabbit to go to school and when he asks if Harry can go his mother said all right but Harry would not have his own desk and have to be very quiet. Eventually Harry becomes a little less significant in Little Rabbit’s daily routine until one day Mother Rabbit asked about him and Little Rabbit said he moved out, got his own place without a phone and since he never learned to read and write they would not be hearing form him anymore. Little Rabbit never truly forgot about Harry especially when he was doing something with his new real friends that he and Harry had enjoyed.

Badger’s Fancy Meal by Keiko Kasza
Badger has plenty food but he is not satisfied. He dreams of a fancier meal so he ventures out of his den to look for something better. He finds three different meals, a mole taco, rat cheeseburger, rabbit banana split with hot fudge, however when he tried to capture them the escape and end up hiding in his den. Badger is feeling defeated and especially hungry when he angers a horse who kicks him through the air all the way back in to his hole. Upon returning to his hole he is pleased that he is home and has given up on the idea of a fancy meal and is going to settle for what he already ahs, but ALL of his food is gone and a note is left apologizing for dropping in and thanking him for the fancy food which they ate. This story is very entertaining and it can teach kids a lesson on not to wish for more than you currently have because that to could vanish.
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